Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WHYS Local Show - Episode 11

Howdy WHYS Local Show Fans!

Like we said on the show we are working on WHYS Local Show blog right now.   We need your help in deciding what form this blog should take.  For instance, do we use blogger like this blog does or build an actual website for the show? Also, do we just share information about the pieces shared on the show or do news aggregating like the Huffington Post?

Below the podcast is a quick survey, if you could fill it out it would really help us decide what form this blog should take.

Now, on to our business at hand; Episode 11 of the show is right here.  On the episode, we talk about an innovative bicycle map coming to Eau Claire, the Sustainable Future Fest in September and a whole heaping helping of Eau Claire civic news!


Episode 11

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