Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to invite your friends to like facebook pages you are passionate about.

In my social media roles I often get asked, "what is the best way to get others to like a page my organization is passionate about?"

When I get that request I simply say, "suggest the page to your friends."

Though, I realize mechanically that is easier to say then do.

If you are an admin or contributor to the page there are five simple steps to invite a large targeted audience which we will get to later in this post.

If you are a fan of the page, but have no admin or contributor role, there are two simple steps to share the page.  But, just so you know, you'll be clicking for a few minutes.

(BTW: This is the process as of 1-21-2015 if facebook changes things I'll do my best to update).


If you are a fan of the page, You simply need to go to the area below the main cover photo of the page to the "PEOPLE" section and click on "Invite your friends to like this Page"

From there you will just need to scroll down the list of your friends and click the "invite" button by their name.  It's a "long" process, but trust me, in five minutes of clicking you'll be able to invite all of your friends you want to like the page.


STEP 1. Login to your facebook account and go to the page with your profile (It's important to not be logged in as the page).

STEP 2. Click on "Build Audience" on the upper right hand corner of the page. NOTE: IN SOME BROWSERS "INVITE FRIENDS" MAY BE WRITTEN AS "SUGGEST PAGE."

STEP 3. Click on "Invite Friends." (See example above).

STEP 4: Select the segment of friends you want to invite to like the page. You can choose either people from a city you reside in, school you went to, or interest group you are a part of.

STEP 5: Once you have that selected either click "select all" or go through the list and pick out individual friends to invite. (Note: I'm not including a photo of this because I would have had to blur most of the shot to keep my personal friends anonymous.)

Hopefully this helps.  EMAIL ME  if you have any more questions.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bon Iver - The Story of Us

Recently, I had the chance to work with a great group of creatives on a project for Community for the Confluence.  We did a video featuring Bon Iver's Towers which we titled For the Love (you can see it here).

While completing that project, I remembered an old project I worked on a few years ago for Wisconsin Public Radio.  It was talking about the Bon Iver phenomenon from the perspective of Eau Claire people both near and far.

It's slightly dated and shows my mastering abilities at the time, but I would like to share it with you.  It was a labor of love and features some great voices.

First, we have have new Managing Editor of Volume One, Eric Charles Christenson, talking about being a musician in the town of Bon Iver.

Then, Thom Fountain, also of V1 Managing Editior fame, shared what it was like simply seeing Bon Iver around town.

Brian Moen of Shouting Matches, Laarks and Peter Wolf Crier talked about that Shouting Matches project. Bear in mind as you listen, this was two years before Grownass Man came out.

Merideth, a Wisconsin transplant to Boston at the time, talked about how Bon Iver gave her something to connect to her home.

Lastly, Zana a person not from Wisconsin talked about how Bon Iver connected her with the state.
I hope you enjoyed this!  I was just thrilled that I could go back through old emails and share this with you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

WHYS Local Show Episode 12

This is the last week the podcast for the WHYS Local Show will be shared on this blog.  As of next week we will  be launching our own blog for the show.

If you have any feedback or comments about what you would like to see from the future blog please fill out the form below.

This week's show features Catherine Emmanuelle talking with Luke about Eau Claire's All America City Award.  Then Scott interviews Drew Kaiser from the Chippewa Valley Beekeepers.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WHYS Local Show - Episode 11

Howdy WHYS Local Show Fans!

Like we said on the show we are working on WHYS Local Show blog right now.   We need your help in deciding what form this blog should take.  For instance, do we use blogger like this blog does or build an actual website for the show? Also, do we just share information about the pieces shared on the show or do news aggregating like the Huffington Post?

Below the podcast is a quick survey, if you could fill it out it would really help us decide what form this blog should take.

Now, on to our business at hand; Episode 11 of the show is right here.  On the episode, we talk about an innovative bicycle map coming to Eau Claire, the Sustainable Future Fest in September and a whole heaping helping of Eau Claire civic news!


Episode 11

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Local Show - Episode 9

This week's covered a wide variety of stories and community issues.

To kick off the show Luke and Scott highlight that Jacob Winzenz was hired as the new finance director (and then try our best not to butcher his name).

Then, Jeremy Gragert shows his interview chops with Kate Hale Wilson from the Eau Claire chapter of the Citizen's climate lobby (you can find contact info for them here).

After that Luke and Scott talk about some issues about long lawns.

In his Reading the Land segment, Shawn Hartnett talks about why seeing snakes by the river means good things for the health of the river.

To finish things up, Luke and Scott talk about their opinions on the re-development of Brackett Ave.

All the while we are treated to the smooth sounds of Meridene's Love, Complete.


Episode 9